Uniform & Dress
Code Policy
Dress For Sucesss
CTA’s Uniform & Dress Code Policy seeks to foster a positive environment for learning – one in which students dress modestly and respectfully while showing the spirit of our school.
All students (grades 1-12) are required to wear an official school uniform every day. Students should assume that dress code is in force every day unless notified otherwise by teachers and administrators. Please note there are some differences between Upper School (7-12) and Lower School (1-6). To see the complete Uniform and Dress Code Policy, click here.
Some clothing items may only be purchased from the Official CTA Uniform Providers while other garments may be purchased elsewhere. Please read carefully.
Official Uniform Providers:
- Lands’ End (www.landsend.com): Online shopping for official uniform clothing items. To access CTA store, use preferred school code: 900026626
- CTA can apply logos to garments that meet the Uniform Policy. Cost is $7.00 per item. Items must be dropped off to the front desk at CTA for delivery to embroiderer on the first Friday of each month. Takes approximately two weeks for items to be ready.
- The Uniform Gemach is an option for gently used items. Contact the school to be directed to the right person to make an appointment to visit the Gemach which is held at CTA.
CTA Traditional Logo for Collared Shirts and Outerwear

CTA Sport Logo for Outerwear

Payment Links
Purchase Uniform Logos – $7 per item
Gemach Donation – $3 per item