Ohio Tax Credit Program

Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO)

Giving to a Scholarship Granting Organization makes it easy to support tuition scholarships at Columbus Torah Academy!  A Jewish education empowers our children to connect to their Jewish identity.  You have until April 15, to allocate your tax dollars to our Scholarship Fund.


    SGO is an acronym for Scholarship Granting Organization. SGOs are 501(c)(3) organizations that raise and distribute scholarship funds primarily to k-12 students. Columbus Torah Academy has partnered with EveryChildEveryFamily and the OAIS SGO.

    How do SGOs work?

    The State of Ohio now allows individual donors to make donations up to $750 through an SGO (up to $1,500 a couple) and receive a 100% tax credit – dollar for dollar – towards a taxpayer’s Ohio tax liability. To receive the maximum tax credit benefit of $1,500 for a couple filing jointly.  Deadline to contribute is April 15 of the qualifying tax year.

    How can you benefit from contributing to an SGO?

    Step 1:  Check your Ohio tax liability on your Ohio return that it is more than the maximum amount.
    Step 2:  Make contribution to one of the SGO links above to designate Columbus Torah Academy
    Step 3:  Include receipt with Ohio return for the coming tax filing to get the 1:1 credit.  

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